Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bachnallian jamboree

Bachnallian jamboree, originally uploaded by craptastica.

Last weekend Sara and I went to the Bernalillo Wine Festival to kick back and have some fun among fellow drunks. I was actually the des. driver (boohoo no fun, I know), but that's okay because I went last year by myself and got royally toasted. In fact, last year someone spilt red wine all over my white shirt, so I ended up just walking around half naked with a stupid grin on my face. I obvously enjoyed myself as I returned this year and brought a friend!

So did others. This year was twice as crowded as last year, but it turns out there was enough wine for all. As you can see from the photo, Sara was loving it. Sara tried several varieties from the local wineries as I people watched and generally avoided sloshing red wine glasses (despite my lesson last year I failed to learn a thing and again wore a white shirt).

We ran into some friends, bought some wine, and tasted some of the more unique grape experiments like dark chocolate red wine and pistachio wine. I later read in the newspaper that 24,000 people attended; one of which ended up side-swiping Sara's poor car.


Blogger sheried said...

What a nice picture of Sara. You need to find out how drinking was not such a good thing for your brother!

2:08 PM  

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